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The Leptodictyum shelter is a slender and erect moss that tolerates both high and low temperatures. The Leptodictyum repairium is often called “philiform musk” and is found in most of the world, but it is thought to be native to Europe. It has an intense green color, slightly transparent. It is an easy and little challenging moss, which can adhere to the rocks and roots of the trees in the aquarium. Growth is vigorous and rapid, so it is necessary to make regular finishings.
It is a plant generally suitable for beginners who want a unique effect in the aquarium.Moss is very common in nano aquariums and is often used as a cover and brood care.
- Colour
- Verde
- Origine
- Cosmopolitian
- Livello di difficoltà
- Facile
- Posizionamento
- Centro
- Fabbisogno di luce
- Poco
- Velocità di crescita
- Media
- CO2
- Poca
003E TC
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