HQ+ New plant Osmosis 3 stages Aquili
AquiliROCLASSIC with Members Aquili HQ+ 75 GLD - New Aquili in-line osmosis plant 3 stages
Report from 1:1.5 to 1: 2 osmotic water and waste residual water
(no more than 1 to 4 as in old plants)
To eliminate silicates add the fourth REMOVAL stage to NO3 PO4 SIO2
ROClassic composed of:
• Filter in line with Sementi 5 micron 2”
• Carbon Filter Active 2” treated with acid specific for water purification
• HQ+ Osmotic membrane with a range of 75 gallons per day (1 gallon = 3,785 liters)
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The reverse osmosis is a technology that exploits the capacity of certain semi-permeable membranes to separate water from dissolved substances.
Applying a certain pressure (that water network), you force water to cross the membrane; pure water (permeated) will thus be divided by water containing salts (concentrated).
The osmotic membrane that implements the most powerful feasible level (that of polyamide/polysolphon), acts as a barrier to not only inorganic salts and substances, but also towards organic substances of molecular weight greater than 100; it is therefore an excellent defense against micro pollutants, pesticides, pyrogenics, viruses and bacteria that were contained in the water.
This technology appeared on the water treatment market in recent times, has been rapidly affirming, and, in a few years, has been set thanks to its versatility, excellence of performance and simplicity of use.
Members Aquili HQ+
The membranes characterized by the HQ+ (High Quality Plus) are the last generation of osmotic membranes that synthesize all the technological innovations of recent years.
They are membranes with a high rate of salt retention, they manage, in fact, to hold up to 99% of dissolved salts. These values, until recently, were achieved only by the best industrial membranes with very high costs and with operating pressures of 10 – 15 bar.
Moreover, the particular composition of the structure of the membrane allows to take more osmotic water and to decrease the waste while maintaining a very high quality of water. With normal membranes, it can be taken from 15% to 20% of the water that enters the membrane while 80% to 85% goes into waste. The HQ+ membranes allow to recover from 30% to 50% of the total water.
Member Aquili HQ+ 75 GLD
A 60 PSI (~ 4 Bar) 30% water recovery held Sali 99%
A 60 PSI (~ 4 Bar) Water recovery 40% held salt 98%
A 75 PSI (~ 5 Bar) Water recovery 50% held Sali 97%
Membrane tested at 250 ppm = 390 microsiemens = 14 d°KH of Sali in solution.
25° temperature
pH 6.5 - 7,0
Each area of Europe has a different water for organoleptic characteristics from all other waters.
To allow proper use of our plants in every country of Europe, we have set them up with a security report ranging from 1:1.5 to 1: 2.
This report, during use, is automatically set according to the incoming water pressure. (standard membranes work with ratio 1: 4)
In this way we have sacrificed the maximum peak of production reached (in fact, we can get to report 1: 1), but in every European country, to vary the pressure or hardness of the water, the plant always has excellent performance and does not subject the excessive stress membrane that can make it collapse.
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