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Diffuser Co2 3-in-1 spare diffuser...
Utricularia graminifolia, from Asia, belongs to the family of vescicants. All the plants of this family are aquatic plants and perennial marshes that feed on insects. In nature, the plant lives in poor places of nutrients, from which the need to capture small insects and digest them.
The bladder traps are a unique feature of this family, which Utricularia graminifolia forms after a short period in the aquarium.
The name of the species means “with leaves similar to the grass” and the fresh and green leaves form after some time a nice carpet resembling a lawn (high 2-8 cm).
The Utricularia graminifolia is therefore an ideal plant for the first floor, although it is quite demanding.
- Colour
- Verde
- Origine
- Asia
- Livello di difficoltà
- Avanzato
- Posizionamento
- Primo piano
- Fabbisogno di luce
- Medio
- Velocità di crescita
- Media
- CO2
- Media
049B TC
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