Coral Vits 30 vials Prodibio
Coral Vits 30 vials Prodibio

Coral Vits 30 vials Prodibio

Prodibio Coral Vits, multivitamin additive for the development and growth of corals

VAT included



  • Provides all necessary vitamins for optimal growth and development of fish and corals.
  • Coral Vits uses the patented Neogoutte® technology to incorporate into a single vial hydrosoluble vitamins and lipofile vitamins.
  • Vitamins are released gradually in the aquarium.
  • Coral Vits accelerates tissue repair and reduces stress.

It can be administered simultaneously to Reef Booster to help optimal growth and development of corals.

Corals, fish and invertebrates are animals, and as such they are not able to synthesize all the vitamins they need, at least in sufficient quantities. Therefore, they must be integrated with food; the same applies also to photosynthetic organisms.

When should it be used?

during the different stages of coral propagation in the recifal aquarium.

regularly to give corals the necessary vitamins for their proper development

in cominbation, every 15 days, with Reef Booster


a vial for 200 liters every 15 days

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