Whether it's capacity of 126, 150, 180 or 240 liters, everything is perfectly coordinated with this "all-inclusive program" consisting of an aquarium with LED lighting EHEIM, mobile, filter, heater and biological filter material.
All you have to do is take care of fish and plants. In addition, the EHEIM vivalineLED series can be perfectly matched to your structure. Because the new decorative panel is interchangeable.
This means that your new aquarium will be unique as you: if you wish, you will get a little variety and the guarantee that your long-lasting aquarium will still subscribe to your new wallpaper or curtain within a few years.
The interchangeable decorative panel is supplied as standard in the four colours of the anthracite base, grey oak, white and pine.
The decorative panel is available as an accessory in Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky and Urban - a light shade of gray.
The decorative panel is screwed and of course can be replaced even when the aquarium is full.
Energy-saving EHEIM LED lighting can be moved for better handling.
The sliding cover consists of high quality aluminum composite panels, the cover frame with openings for all power lines is firmly glued.
The 150-litre aquarium shape is distinguished by the series of EHEIM liveline LED combinations: with a width of 60 cm and a depth of 50 cm, it is almost square.
Glass Thickness 10mm
Exterior filter Here Pro 300
Heater Eheim Thermocontrol 150
Lighting Bar 1x16,3W
Length 121cm
Depth 41cm
Height 50cm
Height with support 121cm