Fusion is the latest range Aquatlantis that vary in size and size.
LED lighting system
Internal filter BioBox 2:
Complete filtration system for aquariums up to 250 liters, which, thanks to its EasyBox filter cartridge system, offers excellent biological, mechanical and chemical filtration capacity. It ensures complete cleansing of aquarium water, eliminating pollutants, which can be harmful to fish and plants. BIOBOX®2 includes a pump, heater and four EasyBox refills, in size S and L.
The profile of all Fusion models is of aluminium, a high quality material that guarantees greater average life to the structure of the tub.
Easy access for maintenance operations:
The lid has a sliding system that allows its components to be placed at the ends, leaving a large space for easy access inside the tub.
Technical specifications:
size of the tub: cm60x40x60h
capacity: 109
easyled 2.0 LED lighting
biobox 2 filter system
micra Plus 600 adjustable pump
heater sicce scuba 150W with internal thermostat