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Stability, bacteria - Seachem
Bonsai 33 cm Wind 3 MD Amtra
Complete set consisting of aquarium, mobile with plenty of space, filter unit and LED lighting kit
Timeless design and powerful technology: everything for a working ecosystem with minimal maintenance effort
Great value for money: ideal for beginners in the fascinating world of indoor aquarium
aquarium with lid: matt glass sliding cover is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it is also very practical and easy to clean
Simple installation: the openings on the back allow easy routing of cables and pipes
Modern aesthetic: modern design furniture available in black and white
Made in Germany: the wardrobe is equipped with door without handles, push-to-open functionality and aluminum look legs
Practical functionality: usable storage space, including shelves
Style from top to bottom: water and substrate line are masked by an aluminum strip to frame the aquarium view elegantly
The perfect environment: includes the BioPlus Thermo 100 or Thermo 200 internal filter with integrated heater
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