Out-of-Stock Marines Starter – Macroalga gracilaria – RARITA €25.00 Starter -gracilaria, macroalga useful in phytodepuration especially of silicates, and beautiful to see. grows free without roots but can be framed everywhere Visualizza
Only by reservation Home IT'S CALLED BODIANUS MESOTHORAX €24.20 Size M ONLY ON BOOK Contact us Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Home Centropyge acanthops €77.64 To every order of fish is compulsory buy also shipping kit which includes: polystyrene box, warmer (for the winter months) and oxygen. Acquarioshop.it is not responsible for any problems due to delays of the couriers, or due to force majeure, sudden rises or lowerings of the temperature, deaths of the fishes or whatever else is not attributable to L'Arca... Visualizza
Out-of-Stock Home Nemateleotris magnificent €54.48 The packaging kit For the shipment of fish includes: polystyrene box, warmer (for the winter months), oxygen and thermal blanket. For the shipment of live food: polystyrene box and thermal blanket and ice (depending on external temperature). Visualizza
Out-of-Stock Home THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER €0.00 5 CM The price will be communicated at the time of booking ONLY ON BOOK Contact us Visualizza
Only by reservation Home CHRYSIPTERA PARASEMA 03CHR7503 €12.10 Size SM ONLY ON BOOK Contact us Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Home THIS REGULATION SHALL ENTER INTO FORCE ON THE TWENTIETH DAY FOLLOWING THAT OF ITS... €26.40 Size SM The images only representative of the species. Visualizza
Out-of-Stock Home CHROMIS VIRIDIS €14.66 The packaging kit For the shipment of fish includes: polystyrene box, warmer (for the winter months), oxygen and thermal blanket. For the shipment of live food: polystyrene box and thermal blanket and ice (depending on external temperature). Visualizza
Out-of-Stock Home POMACANTHUS SEMICIRCCIRCULATUS ADULT €220.00 Size XXL ONLY ON BOOK Contact us Visualizza
Available Home Live food and fish shipping kit €9.99 The packaging kit For shipping fish includes: polystyrene box, warmer (for the winter months), oxygen and thermal blanket. For shipping food alive: polystyrene box and thermal and ice blanket (depending on external temperature). For shipping frozen food, buy the box with dry ice. Add to basket